About me

 Hello Everyone 👋. I'm Nadil (waiting to be a freshman at a University) 💫 for As a humble disciple of science, I've immersed myself in various scientific disciplines for years. My passion lies in sharing my expertise and providing valuable insights into these fascinating fields. The subjects I've explored include physics, mathematics, chemistry, natural science, biology, and technology. Join me as we dive deep into the world of science together, igniting our Enthusiasm and uncovering new Topics!

To Contact me

The easiest way to contact me is via Email and Quora.If you have any question regarded to my field, don't hesitate to reach out! If I know the answer to your question I will reply fast as possible.

Emails - ashenlanka77740@gmail.com

msg me on Quora:
Quora- msg on Quora

              .... pending... I'll add more social media soon