How does Sun gets it's Energy

" 💫How does the Sun gets it's Energy" 

                           (How does a star Exist)   

(Red giant)

Welcome my fellows 😁😁🙌🙌🙌 today I’m gonna explain you how a star does exist. Mainly a star driven by 1 primal incidence. You may wonder what is that? 🤔🤔🤔The key factor is nuclear fusion, which powers most stars throughout the universe.

A star like our sun mainly produces energy by fusing two hydrogen atoms into helium. This process is common among all known stars in the observable universe. Atomic fusion reactions are a complex topic; however, I will provide a brief explanation here. Nuclear fusion is one type of nuclear reaction that occurs naturally in the cosmos. During these reactions, lighter atomic nuclei combine, releasing some particles and radiation while creating a new atom with a higher mass number and atomic number. Conversely, nuclear fission involves splitting an atom into smaller fragments, typically resulting in lower mass than the original atom. 

✋[Equations and other resources are in the bottom of the article] 👍.

✋ Nuclear fusion

 Nuclear fusion is a simple but huge topic, Although it doesn't fit within the scope of a single article, I plan to cover this fascinating subject in upcoming posts. Here are some essential aspects to help you grasp nuclear fusion better:

Nuclear fusion involves combining two or more atoms into a single, heavier atom. Typically, only two atoms take part in a single nuclear fusion reaction, although it's theoretically possible to involve three, four, or more atoms. However, such multi-atom fusion processes are currently impractical. Nuclear fusion reactions are the most energetic processes in the universe, and they also have the potential to generate vast amounts of energy.

To facilitate these reactions, specific physical conditions must be met.

1. Incredibly high Temperature: The nuclei of atoms repel each other due to their positive charges. To overcome this repulsion and bring them close enough to fuse, they need to be moving very fast, which requires extremely high temperatures. Typically, temperatures in the range of 100 million to 1 billion degrees Celsius are needed for fusion to occur.

2. High Density: Even at high temperatures, the nuclei are still very small and far apart. To increase the probability of them colliding and fusing, a high density of nuclei is needed. This requires immense pressure, typically found in the cores of stars or in specialized machines designed to achieve these conditions.

Hydrogen atoms are kept apart primarily due to the Coulomb barrier, in this case it's act like an electrostatic repulsive force between the positively charged atomic nuclei. To surmount the Coulomb barrier and enable the fusion of hydrogen nuclei, producing helium and releasing massive amounts of energy, extraordinarily high temperatures and pressures are necessary.

3. Confinement: The high-temperature, high-density plasma containing the nuclei needs to be confined for a sufficient time to allow fusion reactions to occur. This can be achieved by magnetic fields or other confinement methods. (tell you in later article)

4. A suitable Fuel: The choice of fuel is crucial for achieving successful fusion. Most commonly, isotopes of hydrogen such as deuterium and tritium are used because they have a relatively low *Coulomb barrier* and require lower temperatures to fuse compared to other elements.

✋ (What is Coulomb barrier ?)

The Coulomb barrier refers to the electrostatic repulsive/ attractive force between charged particles, particularly between charged atomic nuclei and other  particles,Molecules.

  According to Coulomb's law, opposite charges attract each other, while like charges repel each other. In an atom, the strong attractive force between the positively charged protons in the nucleus and the negatively charged electrons orbiting around it holds the atom together.

The Coulomb force equation is represented in the Bottom of the article.

✋But hey ! electrons possess negative charge while nuclei carry positive charge. One might wonder, given their opposite charges, why electrons don't simply fall into the nucleus?

Okay !!! There are several reasons why electrons don't fall into nuclei despite being attracted by Coulomb forces. The first thing is the quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics plays a significant role in this phenomenon. 

Unlike classical physics, quantum physics exhibits unique properties such as electrons spinning around the nucleus instead of following planetary motion. Each electron occupies a distinct energy state within the electron probability cloud, ensuring no two electrons share the same configuration.

In the quantum model of atoms, electrons closer to the nucleus possess the lowest and most stable energy levels, while those farther away exhibit higher energy levels. Electron orbits determine these positions, which depend on energy levels. Electrons must gain additional energy to move to higher orbits and release energy for lower ones. Consequently, stable orbits—those closest to the nucleus—cannot lose any more energy to fall into the nucleus.

 Moving on to the next point, another crucial factor is the centrifugal force resulting from the electron's angular momentum. To give you an idea of the speed at which electrons revolve around the nucleus, scientists estimate approximately 7 quadrillion revolutions per second 🤯🤯🤯 You can easily guess how much angular momentum it could generate!!!

👊Now that you are familiar with the physical requirements for nuclear fusion and understand that our Sun meets these criteria, let's discuss the specific fusion reactions taking place within it. Hydrogen, Deuterium, and Tritium Comparison

Hydrogen, Deuterium, and Tritium Comparison

Feature Hydrogen (H) Deuterium (D) Tritium (T)
Symbol H D T
Number of Protons 1 1 1
Number of Neutrons 0 1 2
Mass Number 1 2 3
Isotopic Abundance 99.989% 0.011% Trace amounts
Radioactive No No Yes
Half-life N/A N/A 12.32 years
Melting Point 14.01 K (-259.14 °C) 18.73 K (-254.42 °C) 20.68 K (-252.47 °C)
Boiling Point 20.28 K (-252.87 °C) 23.67 K (-249.48 °C) 25.36 K (-247.79 °C)
Density 0.08988 g/L 0.162 kg/m³ 0.180 kg/m³
Occurrence in Nature Molecular hydrogen (H2) is the most abundant molecule in the universe Deuterium is found in water and other organic molecules Tritium is produced in the atmosphere by cosmic ray interactions and in nuclear reactors
Uses Hydrogen is used in fuel cells, rocket fuel, and as a reducing agent Deuterium is used in nuclear reactors and in NMR spectroscopy Tritium is used in self-luminous devices, nuclear weapons, and medical research

 Helium production through various methods involving hydrogen fusion is quite common. One highly observable process involves proton-proton reactions occurring in the Sun's core due to intense pressure and heat. When protons collide, they eventually combine, forming an unstable particle after conserving certain aspects. Subsequent to this, one of the protons within the atom undergoes beta decay. *

✋ Hey !! what is beta decay? 

Well there have several types of nuclear decays. But we could identify a major types of decays.  Firstly, alpha decay occurs when a parent nucleus releases two protons and two neutrons, transforming into a new atom with reduced atomic weight. This reaction emits energy via electromagnetic radiation and potentially particles with high kinetic energy. Secondly, beta decay involves a proton in an excited nuclear state converting into a neutron and an electron to achieve stability. Lastly, gamma decay refers to electromagnetic radiation with the highest energy. For a better understanding of beta decay, stay tuned for upcoming articles discussing various types of radiations.

* Back to the point. After a two protons merged into one ,one of those proton does beta decay and create a deuterium.Release a neutrino (I'll bring a new article on particle physics) and electron + Energy. This deuterium is slightly unstable hydrogen isotopic with one proton and one neutron. Deuterium is the main material we need to initiate a nuclear fusion reaction in Sun (Of course I know deuterium made by stable hydrogen😉). 

☝Fusion reactions can take multiple routes to produce helium, with deuterium combining with a proton being the most prevalent method. This reaction results in the formation of helium-3, which is unstable and loses a neutron subsequently. Following this, the helium-3 atom undergoes fusion with another helium-3 atom, producing a stable helium-4 atom while releasing two protons and generating heat.
  1. \(D + p \rightarrow He^3\)
  2. \(He^3 + He^3 \rightarrow He^4 + p + p + n + Q\)

☝ Another pathway for nuclear fusion involves the combination of two deuterium atoms, yielding tritium. Tritium then reacts with a deuterium atom, leading to the creation of stable helium and a neutron, accompanied by the generation of heat.
  1. \(D + D \rightarrow T\) (Combination of two deuterium atoms, yielding tritium)
  2. \(T + D \rightarrow He + n + Q\) (Tritium reacting with a deuterium atom, creating stable helium, a neutron, and generating heat)

☝  Yet another route involves the fusion of two deuterium atoms, producing a high-energy helium-4 atom. Upon emission of a gamma ray, the helium-4 atom transitions to a stable state.
  1. \(D + D \rightarrow He^4 + Q\)
  2. \(He^4 \xrightarrow{\gamma} He^4\)

So that's it!!!!😁😁😁 
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* For further understanding!! (not my videos)

Coulomb's Law Equation

Coulomb's Law Equation

\( F = k \cdot \frac{q_1 \cdot q_2}{r^2} \)


  • \( F \) is the electrostatic force between the charges.
  • \( k \) is Coulomb's constant, approximately \( 8.9875 \times 10^9 \ \text{N m}^2/\text{C}^2 \).
  • \( q_1 \) and \( q_2 \) are the magnitudes of the charges.
  • \( r \) is the separation distance between the charges.

Simple version! 😜😉

Fundamental Forces
Force Strength Range Carrier particle(s) Nature Role
Gravity Weakest Infinite Graviton (hypothetical) Attractive Shaping the universe at large scales
Electromagnetism Strong Infinite Photon Both attractive and repulsive Binding atoms and molecules, electricity, magnetism
Strong Nuclear Force Strongest Very short (1 femtometer) Gluons Attractive Binding quarks in atomic nuclei
Weak Nuclear Force Weak Very short (0.1 femtometer) W and Z bosons Both attractive and repulsive Certain types of radioactive decay and nuclear reactions
Fundamental Physics Equations


Centrifugal Force

Centrifugal force equation

Fc = mω²r


  • Fc is the centrifugal force
  • m is the mass of the object
  • ω is the angular velocity of the rotating reference frame
  • r is the distance from the object to the center of rotation

Angular Momentum

Angular momentum equation

L = r x p


  • L is the angular momentum vector
  • r is the position vector of the particle relative to the origin
  • p is the momentum vector of the particle
  • x represents the vector cross product